Structured-Text Programming: A Comprehensive Guide for PLC Automation


In the dynamic world of automation and programming, structured text programming holds a significant role. It’s a high-level language that presents a flexible and efficient solution to complex automation tasks. But what makes it a go-to choice for many programmers, engineers, and automation specialists?

Structured Text Programming

Delving deeper into structured text programming reveals its nuances. This section lays the groundwork for a comprehensive understanding, covering definitions, fundamental principles, and notable benefits.

Structured text programming, oftentimes abbreviated as ST or STL, represents a high-level, textual programming language employed commonly in Professional Logic Controllers (PLCs). Rooted in Pascal, it adopts a similar syntax—creating a natural bridge for programmers coming from a computer science background.

Integral to this language are logic constructs like “If-Then-Else”, “Repeat-Until”, “While-Do”, “Case”, and so on. These constructs relate to standard programming structures found in many high-level languages, thus providing familiarity and consistency in logic implementation. Moreover, structured text programming stands out for its capacity to incorporate complex mathematical and string operations – a trait that augments its capability in handling intricate automation tasks.

Features of Structured Text Programming

Language Syntax

Structured text programming syntax leans heavily on Pascal. The resemblance becomes evident in the use of semicolons for statement termination and the placement of program instructions within a block. Parentheses guide statement priority, making complex calculations more straightforward to code and understand. Thus, its syntax furthers precision, readability, and ease of use in developing intricate automation algorithms.

Data Types and Variables

In structured text programming, a diverse repertoire of data types finds recognition. It encompasses Bool, Int, Dint, Real, String, Time, and Date-and-Time. Each is distinct and serves specific purposes in automation tasks. For instance, Bool handles logical conditions while Real underpins floating-point arithmetic operations. The language also allows variable declaration, which can be local, global, or external. Variables enhance the language’s adaptability and simplify debugging process in structured text programming.

Programming Constructs

Structured text programming brims with a wide array of programming constructs. Its IF-THEN, CASE, FOR, WHILE and REPEAT constructs streamline the development of automation logics. Exception handling mechanisms, expressed through TRY…CATCH constructs, add an additional layer of robustness. Advanced programming unfolds through functions and function block calls, encapsulated within statements. These constructs equip structured text programming with adaptability and power, fortifying its capabilities in handling complex automation tasks.

Debugging and Troubleshooting Tips for Structured Text Programming

Understanding Common Error Messages

Learning to decipher error messages contributes significantly to a programmer’s troubleshooting efficiency. In Structured Text Programming, these messages often highlight syntax errors, data type mismatches, or incorrect use of programming constructs. For instance, parser errors generally hint at issues with ST syntax using a form of Pascal-style code. Similarly, type errors surface when incorrect or incompatible data elements like Bool or Real interact. A firm grasp of these communication cues ensures swift resolution of hitches, enhancing code robustness.

Debugging Tools and Techniques

Proficient use of available debugging tools fosters smooth and comprehensive coding in Structured Text Programming. Each Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) manufacturer typically provides specific debugging tools. Schneider Electric’s “Unity Pro,” for example, includes a substantial set of debugging tools, including variable monitoring during runtime, breakpoints, and step-by-step execution. These tools empower a programmer to validate their logic, confirm variable states, and track code flow seamlessly. Leveraging such features amplifies efficiency, further strengthening the versatility and adaptability of ST programming.

Programming in Automation

Structured text programming importance can’t be overstated. Its roots in Pascal make it a powerful tool for PLCs, enhancing automation tasks with its logical constructs, flexibility, and efficiency. The language’s diverse data types, variable declaration options, and programming constructs like IF-THEN and CASE ensure precision and readability. Debugging, an integral part of the process, becomes easier with tools like Schneider Electric’s Unity Pro, making error detection and correction a breeze. It’s clear that structured text programming is a versatile and adaptable tool for tackling complex automation tasks with ease and efficiency.